Coronavirus: Interruption of production

Dear Sir or Madam,

due to the current developments in Europe and the spread of the lung disease Covid-19 caused by the coronavirus Sars-CoV-2, we are forced to suspend production also in our plant in Bad Salzuflen from 04/01 to probably 04/17/2020 and to close the operation for this time as far as possible.

The reason for this is the significantly accelerated infection rate caused by the coronavirus, the resulting measures taken by the authorities, and the associated interruption of our supply chains and significant staff absences.

With the temporary suspension of production, EKT GmbH & Co. KG is making its contribution to protecting the workforce, interrupting infection chains and containing the spread of this pandemic. A possible extension of this measure depends on further developments. There is no alternative to the suspension of production now decided. Should the situation ease, operations will be fully resumed.

For us and our suppliers, this pandemic and its consequences constitute a serious event of force majeure for which we are not responsible and which, despite all efforts, makes it impossible in many cases to maintain our production in terms of articles.

Thank you for your understanding.

With kind regards


EKT GmbH & Co. KG und EKT CZ k.s.

Bad Salzuflen, 03/27/2020

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